The Can Do Crew is a British preschool group aimed at children. It is similar to the The Wiggles and The Singing Kettle. It is created by Sean Evans as part of his production company 'Wizo Productions' The first production was a Pilot show presented by Sean Evans, Emily Rayburn and Caius Harvey. With Jay Rayburn, Rebecca Clare Scott and Lauren Rayburn as part of the cast. ==Characters== * Sean (Seanie-boy) Himself (Pilot and series) * Emily (Emi) Herself, Mother Goose (Pilot) * Caius (Cai) Himself (Pilot and series) * Lauren, Doctor Foster, Goosie Ganda (Pilot) * Rebecca, The Princess Unknown (Pilot and series) * Jay, Riff, Costume (Pilot) *Athena Harvey (Series) In the series a character called 'Mimi' often 'pops up' with the saying - "Mimi's here-Mimi's there. Mimi pops up everywhere" spoken by another character/characters. To which Mimi reply's "Yes. I just pop up like".... And something that pops up and is related to the Theme of the episode. She pops up to sort out problems the other characters are experiencing by singing pop songs. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「The Can Do Crew」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク